Tag Archive for: Pain Management

Cracking the Back Pain Code: Types, Causes, & Prevention

Understanding and effectively managing back pain is critical to maintaining overall health and well-being. It is a widespread ailment affecting millions, causing discomfort, limiting mobility, and impacting daily activities. While various factors can cause back pain, it is essential to recognize the different types of back pain, their underlying causes, and the benefits of using image-guided spine procedures to aid in back pain relief and management.

Common Causes of Back Pain

The most common cause of back pain is age, which often results in age-related degeneration of the spine’s intervertebral discs, leading to osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease. Additionally, certain lifestyle choices can contribute to back pain, such as poor posture during extended periods of sitting, improper lifting techniques, and excess body weight, which places unnecessary strain on the spine.

Types of Back Pain 

Back pain can be broadly classified into two types: central (axial) pain and peripheral (radicular/radiating) extremity pain. Central pain originates from the spine’s central structures, such as muscles, ligaments, and vertebral discs, often leading to localized discomfort, stiffness, or soreness in the back. On the other hand, peripheral pain occurs when the pain signals extend beyond the spine into the arms or legs, caused by nerve root compression or irritation. 

Back Pain Prevention and Management 

Preventing back pain is crucial for maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Simple habits, such as maintaining good posture while sitting, standing, and lifting objects, can significantly reduce the risk of developing back pain. Regular exercise, especially core-strengthening activities like yoga, Pilates, or swimming, can provide better support for the spine and lower the likelihood of discomfort. A balanced diet and weight management are also vital to overall health and can help alleviate pressure on the back. Implementing these preventive strategies can help significantly reduce back pain’s impact on daily life and overall well-being.

About Kyphoplasty

For those who have spinal fractures, kyphoplasty might be a treatment option! Unlike bed rest, braces, or medication, most people can return to normal activities within a few days. Best of all, it’s a minimally invasive, non-surgical technique and does not require general anesthesia.

Radiology of Indiana is one of America’s leaders in successful Kyphoplasty performance, with more than 1000 procedures already carried out and some 90% of our patients experiencing complete or nearly complete pain relief. To learn more about the procedure and other back pain-related treatments, visit our website today!

It’s Time to Tend to Your Tendinitis

Do you often feel pain or swelling in your muscles and joints? Tendinitis might be the culprit. It’s time to tend to your tendinitis; our latest blog helps to explain the condition further and offers some insight for a deeper understanding. Read to learn more below!

Understanding Tendinitis  

If you’ve ever experienced muscle and joint stiffness, odds are you may have encountered a condition known as tendinitis, the inflammation of a tendon, most often caused by repetitive motion.  It’s a frequent issue that affects any area of the body containing tendons, most commonly near the elbows, wrists, shoulders, and heels. Tendinitis is common in those involved in regular physical activity, such as athletes or manual labor workers who consistently place extra strain on their muscles. It can impact people of all ages alike. Whether it’s a young toddler or a mature adult, the condition has the potential to impact individuals across all stages of life. Pain can range from mild to severe and typically occurs near the affected tendon. Commonly experienced symptoms may include:

  • Pains and aches that are made worse with movement
  • Redness around the inflamed area
  • Reduced flexibility and range of motion
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness

Some individuals may even experience a feeling of heat from the affected area or see a visible lump. As the condition progresses, the pain could intensify, resulting in an inability to perform everyday activities like dressing oneself or something as simple as opening doors. However, early detection and diagnosis can help prevent further worsening of issues and allow time for proper recovery through rest, stretches, and therapy methods. With medical attention and quick action upon signs of discomfort, the condition can be managed before unnecessary problems arise.

Understanding Tendinitis - find out more in our blog!

Tendonitis Treatment Redefined

The options for treating tendon pain could be very limiting, often depending on rest, physical therapy, medications, or open surgery if necessary. As a result, patients often had to wait months or years to gain any relief from their chronic pain. This is changing thanks to the introduction of the Tenex TX procedure. This minimally invasive technique does not require a general anesthetic. Instead the insertion of a Tenex needle into the affected tendon with ultrasound guidance to ensure accuracy. The highly effective treatment removes scarred and damaged tendon tissue and does not require an extended recovery period.

Additionally, by addressing only the affected areas, this procedure can help reduce pain associated with tendinopathy. While also avoiding damage to healthy surrounding tissues. The procedure runs on the short side, only taking about 10-15 minutes, and is often followed with physical therapy.

Interventional radiology - seeing you through to good health! Schedule an appointment today.

Spring has sprung, but alongside it may have come tendon pain. Learn more about how Radiology of Indiana can be of service by learning more about the procedure here or contacting us at (317) 621-5555 today!






Recognizing the Value of Radiologists

Radiologists are some of the most crucial professionals in the medical field but often go unrecognized for their amazing work.  Our latest blog delves into what radiologists do, how they’re making a difference in people’s lives, and recognizing the value of radiologists.

The Role of a Radiologist

Radiologists celebrate the complexity of the human body and work to improve lives through the use of imaging technology. As medical experts, radiologists are critical in interpreting images captured by radiologic imaging for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Primarily used when treating disease and issues in varied areas such as cancer, vascular diseases, men’s health, and women’s health. Through detailed analysis of X-rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, and MRI scans, they can identify injuries and illnesses that could otherwise go undetected. Their skillful work has saved countless lives over the years and will continue to do so in the future.Urologists viewing test results of a patient.

The Relationship Between Radiologist and Patient

 A radiologist plays a key in difficult diagnoses and image-guided treatments of serious medical conditions. Thus, the relationship between radiologists and their patients is unique and one to acknowledge. Working together with other healthcare professionals, they consult patients or their caregivers about the appropriate tests to perform and how to prepare for them.

Additionally, they analyze the images taken and diagnose and explain the results and discuss possible treatments with them. From detecting tumors to uncovering various conditions, they use their expertise and technology to help in providing a diagnosis. They can also provide peace of mind for families who are seeking answers about the health of their loved ones.  Through their expertise, radiologists truly make a difference and help make healthcare diagnoses possible.

We are now hiring for radiologists! Learn more at our careers page.This February, show your body some love. Learn more about all our services as well as explore career opportunities at Radiology of Indiana! Visit our website or contact us at (317) 779-2150 today.





Treating Lower Back Pain with Interventional Radiology

Lower back pain is the leading cause of disability in the United States. It’s estimated that 8 out of 10 people will experience some form of back pain in their lifetime. With so many varied sources of pain, it can be difficult to find relief, but not impossible. Have you considered treating lower back pain with interventional radiology? In this blog, we discuss why back pain is so common and how radiology now plays a role in new treatment options like kyphoplasty.

Lower Back Pain – An Overview

Essentially, the lower back (or lumbar spine) supports most of our body weight and allows us to twist and bend. When muscles and ligaments in this area become strained or injured, it’s likely to feel pain in this area. Lower back pain is often caused by poor posture, excessive sitting, lifting heavy objects improperly, or injury to the muscles and ligaments in the area. However, other causes can result in lower back pain such as spinal misalignment, osteoarthritis, kidney infections, and pregnancy. So next time you experience pain in your lumbar region, we advise you to speak to a doctor or healthcare provider.

Woman holding lower back with a red circle to indicate where it hurts.

Don’t Let Lower Back Pain Hold You Back

The road to relief begins with finding the right medical treatment. Fortunately, when it comes to lower back pain, there are plenty of treatment options available. Some individuals may find relief in over-the-counter or prescription medication for pain management.  Whereas others may benefit from treatments such as physical therapy and even the use of interventional radiology. It’s important to note that everyone is different and might require various treatments based on their unique needs.

 Interventional Radiology: Can Kyphoplasty Help?

Have you ever tried to stand up straight, only to have a stabbing pain shoot through your lower back? If so, kyphoplasty may be the solution for you. During this minimally invasive procedure, a small incision is made in the back and a balloon is inserted into the fractured vertebra. The balloon is then inflated, restoring height to the vertebra and alleviating pressure on nerves and other delicate structures. A special cement is then injected to help stabilize the bone and provide further pain relief. The entire process usually takes less than an hour, with most patients able to resume their normal activities within one or two days. Don’t overlook the potential of treating lower back pain with interventional radiology can offer!


Radiology of Indiana provides various interventional radiological treatments to help treat lower back pain including kyphoplasty! Visit our website or contact us at (317) 621 – 5555 to get started today.



